The chart below provides an overview of the ten data points required for rating factor 2. Several of these data are provided for regions at this webpage; the location of other Internet-based data required for this factor is listed as well.
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Finding Factor 2 Data Inputs
Data Point Input Source Location of Data

1.1 Median Regional Housing Prices Relative to Household Income

Rent, income housing price data

Federal Housing Finance Agency

The Tool on this page will help provide data sources for 1.1, 2.1, and 3.2.

1.2 Portion of Regional Population Paying More than 45% of Income to Combined Housing and Transportation Costs

Housing, transportation, income data

Center for Neighborhood Technology  Housing + Transportation Affordability Index Not available

2.1 Urbanized Land Per capita (County Level Data Only)

Population, urbanized land data

US Census, data manipulated by HUD

see the Data Query page on this website.

2.2 Vehicle Miles of Distribution of Water Infrastructure per Population Served

Population, water infrastructure data

Local Utility Companies, US Census Census data available below; contact local utility company for data on water distribution infrastructure

3.1 Vehicle Miles Traveled per Capita in the Region

Road infrastructure, population, vehicle miles traveled

FHWA database, Census Length and daily vehicle-miles of travel
Please Utilize Tables Under 2008 Highway Statistics, available online. Selected Characteristics
(Table HM-71, Table HM-72)
The data for total road mileage and vehicle miles traveled is in table HM-71, the per capita measure can be found in table HM-72.

3.2 Portion of Regional Trips performed by Automobile, Transit, Walking, and Bicycling

Trip share data

American Community Survey

see the Data Query page on this website.

4.1 Measures of Segregation and School Poverty by Participating Community and Region

School population data, school lunch eligibility

SUNY Albany, National Center for Education Statistics

If the applying region follows the boundaries of the Metropolitan Statistical Area, the data points for 1999 can be directly obtained from the site above by clicking on the designated link under Option 1. The abbreviations of the data fields are also available at this site. If the applying region has different boundaries and/or wants to include 2009 data as available, the applicant can download the 1999 information by School District (Option 4) or can calculate the dissimilarity index using collected data and inputting it into the provided Excel spreadsheet . Please Note: If you are using the Excel spreadsheet, remember that only elementary school data is needed.

4.2 Measures of School Poverty by Participating Community and Region

School lunch eligibility

See the instructions for data point 4.2 below:
Additional Instructions for Data Point 4.2 (file will open in a new window)

5.1 Availability of Subsidized Housing within 2 Miles of the Region?s 5 Largest Employment Centers

Economic development, affordable housing data

Locally collected

This data point is attempting to determine the actual facilities that are the largest employers and measure housing conditions in the vicinity of these places, v. the largest sectors. For example, if the State is the largest employer in the region but its employees are geographically spread throughout, it may not make the list. If instead the State has large numbers of employees working in one ocation, it would be amongst the top 5.


6.1 Proximity of Full-Service Grocery Stores for Low-Income and Auto-Dependent Households

Grocery, population, income data

USDA Food Environment Atlas

7.1 Incidence of Preventable Disease by County

public health agency data

Regionally collected