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Evaluating Moving to Work (MTW) Flexibilities for Smaller Public Housing Agencies


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Section 239 of the 2016 Consolidated Appropriations Act authorized HUD to expand the Moving to Work (MTW) Demonstration Program by adding 100 Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) over a 7 year period. The first expansion cohort is comprised of 31 smaller PHAs, defined as agencies with less than 1,000 units. HUD awarded a contract to Abt Associates to conduct an evaluation of this first cohort of the MTW expansion to explore how small PHAs use the flexibility offered by their new MTW designation to achieve the statutory objectives of the MTW program and to document the outcomes of that flexibility for housing authority operations and tenants. The evaluation will include a series of five annual reports to track progress in implementation and outcomes. To date, the Baseline, Year 1 Outcomes, and Year 2 Outcomes reports have been published. Subsequent outcomes reports are expected in winter 2025 and 2026.

The goal of the evaluation of Cohort 1 is to learn about the overall impact of MTW flexibility on smaller PHAs. It is guided by two overarching research questions: (1) How do smaller PHAs use their MTW flexibility to achieve MTW’s statutory objectives? and (2) What are the consequences of having MTW flexibility for PHA operations and for tenants? Abt will employ a mixed-method research design, including descriptive, experimental, and quasi-experimental analysis, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the implementation and outcomes of smaller PHAs. For more information, please visit the project page here.

Note: The status of this project is ongoing.

Affordable Housing     Other    

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