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House Price Trends and Homeownership Affordability


From: HUD USER News
A new Policy Development and Research release, titled
Recent House Price Trends and Homeownership
Affordability, is now available from HUD USER. This
report reviews factors that influence housing prices,
provides new evidence on recent trends in cost and
ownership affordability, and offers suggestions for the
next steps in pricing research.
The report further examines different types of house
price indices; reviews the calculation and application
of affordability indices; and outlines the basic theory
behind house pricing models. Demand and supply factors,
and how they are influenced by regulatory constraints,
are explored in detail. The report includes chapters on
market value dynamics and the financial accelerator,
house price bubbles and fluctuations, and how people
form their expectations of worth.
Recent House Price Trends and Homeownership
Affordability identifies the need for additional
research on:
o How consumers gather and process information about
market conditions;
o How consumers decide when it is the "right" time
to buy or sell a house;
o How land cost and land use regulations influence
the supply and cost of housing;
o The decisionmaking of developers, renovators, and
financiers; and
o The interaction of supply and demand as it affects
the cost of housing.
This document can be downloaded, at no cost,
or ordered for a nominal fee by calling HUD USER at
800-245-2691, option 1.
Please contact us at:
P.O. Box 23268
Washington, DC 20026-3268
1-800-927-7589 (TDD)
202-708-9981 (fax)
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