New on The Edge
Message from PD&R Senior Leadership:
The Evolution of Anchor Institutions
Anchor institutions are the backbone of communities across the United States, with institutions of higher education playing an especially vital role in driving innovation and economic growth. Sherone Ivey, Deputy Assistant Secretary for University Partnerships, discusses how HUD’s Office of University Partnerships is working to leverage university engagement for community betterment.
In Practice:
Bidwell Park Apartments: Affordable Green Housing in Chico, California
The Bidwell Park Apartments in Chico, California are providing much needed affordable housing and supportive services in a community continuing to recover from the economic downturn.
Exploring Inclusionary Zoning’s Effect on Affordable Housing
Inclusionary zoning ordinances are an important tool available to local governments for the provision of affordable housing. A recent pilot study sponsored by PD&R, “Inclusionary Zoning and its Effect on Affordable Housing: Lessons From Two Counties,” examines the role of inclusionary zoning ordinances in expanding housing opportunities.
Policy Update:
Individual Development Accounts: A Vehicle for Low-Income Asset Building and Homeownership
The ability to build wealth remains a challenge for many low-income families. However, the emergence of individual development accounts presents a promising tool for asset building and social mobility.
HUD Partner Reports:
Philanthropy in the New Age of Government Austerity
Amid continued fiscal pressures to shrink the size of government, the role of philanthropy in supporting government is evolving. Recent research by The Bridgespan Group identifies promising strategies that philanthropists are using to increase the impact of their contributions.
Moving to Opportunity in Mount Laurel, New Jersey
What happens when affordable housing is created in communities rich with opportunity? Professor Douglas Massey of Princeton University shares the findings of his recent research on how the Ethel Lawrence Homes are creating pathways to better lives for residents.
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