"Integrating Rapid Re-Housing & Employment: Program & Policy Recommendations for Enhancing Rapid Re-housing"
(2017), by Caitlin C. Schnur, Chris Warland, Melissa Young, and Tara Maguire, explores the connections between
homelessness and employment and suggests policies to help participants in rapid rehousing programs access employment
and training.
"The Drive to Work: The Relationship between Transportation Access, Housing Assistance, and Employment among
Participants in the Welfare to Work Voucher Program" (2017), by Evelyn Blumenberg and Gregory Pierce, emphasizes
the importance of access to a car for improved employment outcomes for very low-income adults.
"The Role of Neighborhood Social Networks in Scattered-Site Public Housing Residents’ Search for Jobs" (2001), by
Rachel Garshick Kleit, compares the ways dispersed residents and clustered residents use social networks in job searches.
"Implementing Transitional Jobs Under the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act: Why & How Workforce Investment
Boards Should Leverage WIOA Dollars for Transitional Jobs" (2016), by Caitlin Schnur, summarizes the transitional jobs
model and presents strategies to help communities implement transitional jobs programs.
"Employment Program Models for People Experiencing Homelessness: Different approaches to program structure"
(2012), by Nathan Dunlap, Amy Rynell, Melissa Young, Chris Warland, and Ethan Brown, presents several examples of
programs offering transitional jobs, adult education, and job placement support to help people experiencing or at risk of
homelessness develop employment skills.
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SPRING 2018 |
"The New Exclusionary Zoning" (2014), by John Mangin, investigates how exclusionary policies typical of suburbs have emerged in several cities as higher-income residents gentrify neighborhoods and then seek to stem further population growth.
"The Experience of Racial and Ethnic Minorities with Zoning in the United States" (2017), by Andrew H. Whittemore, considers the disproportionate effects of exclusionary zoning and targeting of commercial and industrial development on racial minorities.
"Why has regional income convergence in the U.S. declined?" (2017), by Peter Ganong and Daniel Shoag, studies the decline in regional income convergence in relation to the increase in housing prices in high-income places. Their model highlights the importance of housing supply regulations.
"Parking Requirements and Housing Development: Regulation and Reform in Los Angeles" (2013), by Michael Manville, discusses the results of a change in Los Angeles that removed parking requirements for vacant downtown commercial and industrial buildings that converted to residential use.
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