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Qualified Census Tract Table Generator -- QCT Designation Data

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Qualified Census Tract Table Generator -- QCT Designation Data

Qualified Census Tract Table Generator -- QCT Designation Data

This page allows you to download an Excel spreadsheet containing all of the data used to designate the 2025 Qualified Census Tracts for each population cap area (metropolitan area or nonmetropolitan part of state). The data include: 2020 Census SF-1 (100 percent count) data tabulations on total population, number of households, and population in group quarters (not in households); 2016-2020, 2017-2021 and 2018-2022 American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year data tabulations on persons in poverty, persons for whom poverty status has been determined, and tract median household income, as well as the margins of error (90 percent confidence interval) for each of these estimates.

A description of the QCT Designation algorithm is available here

You may select up to 10 metropolitan areas or state nonmetropolitan areas in a single extract. Hold down the <Ctrl> key to select multiple areas. If you select more than 10 areas, only the first 10 you picked in the order listed in the select box will be processed. Data for all of the census tracts in the United States and Puerto Rico can be downloaded here. Note that the full data download file QCT_DATA_US.zipx is a WinZip archive containing an Excel 97-2003 compatible workbook file: qct_data_2025.xls, containing 6 worksheets: (1) data for the states of Alabama through Missouri; (2) data for the states of Montana through Wyoming and Puerto Rico; (3) data definitions; (4)state code translations; (5) county code translations; and (6) Metro CBSA Code translations. This file must be extracted before it can be read. The tract data are divided over 2 worksheets because there is a total of 85,392 Census Tracts in the data file, which is more cases than Excel 97-2003 is capable of displaying in one worksheet. Analysis of all of the tract data will require Excel 2007 or better, Microsoft Access, or statistical analysis software such as SAS, SPSS, or STATA.

(NOTE: Double-clicking a Metropolitan Area or State Name will not work. Choose Metropolitan Area(s) or State(s) and click the "Download" button below your choice.)

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