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Study of Household Transition from the Disaster Housing Assistance Program (DHAP-Katrina): Final Report


Author(s): Abt Associates     Locke, Gretchen     Buron, Larry    

Report Acceptance Date: March 2013 (147 pages)

Posted Date: March 28, 2013

This report presents the results of the Study of Household Transition from the Disaster Housing Assistance Program (DHAP-Katrina). This new approach to post-disaster housing assistance provided a time-limited, declining rental subsidy along with case management services to households affected by Hurricanes Rita and Katrina who still did not have permanent housing two years after the storms. The study’s results indicate that participants were largely satisfied with their DHAP-Katrina housing and with the case management services they received. Results on post-program outcomes some seven years after the storms (and two years after the program ended) indicate that many DHAP-Katrina participants transitioned to the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program, but that many other former DHAP-Katrina participants seem to be at risk of housing instability. The executive summary provides background on DHAP-Katrina, a summary of the study’s methodology and key findings, and a brief review of the implications of the results.


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