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Building the Organizations That Build Communities: Strengthening the Capacity of Faith- and Community- Based Development Organizations


Author(s): Anglin, Roland V.    

Report Acceptance Date: 2004 (301 pages)

Posted Date: February 12, 2007

PD&R’s new publication Building the Organizations that Build Communities: Strengthening the Capacity of Faith- and Community-Based Development Organizations gathers papers that address the key issues in expanding the capacity of Faith-Based and Community Organizations. Building the Organizations that Build Communities is not intended to be exhaustive, rather this volume documents current thinking on the issue of capacity and a clearer view of the research gaps facing faith-based and community development organizations. The 17 papers are divided into four sections, briefly described below.

Table of Contents (*.pdf, 93.1 KB)

Foreword (*.pdf, 175 KB)

Introduction (*.pdf, 103 KB)

This section includes two papers on the role of performance measures including: issues and concerns regarding performance standards and implementing an outcome measure system focused on self-defined goals.

Section IV. The Role of Performance Measures in Expanding Capacity (*.pdf, 181 KB)

Editor's Note (*.pdf, 62.5 KB)

Organizational Capacity: Issues and Concerns Regarding Performance Standards -- Rikki Abzug and Mary R. Watson (*.pdf, 140 KB)

Participatory Outcomes-Based Evaluation: The Success Measures Process and Data System -- Virginia Seitz and Margaret Grieve (*.pdf, 114 KB)

Compendium Summary (*.pdf, 68.1 KB)

The compendium is an excellent primer on building the capacity of faith- and community-based organizations to be successful agents of change in their communities. It will be useful to: community development agencies, foundations and intermediaries, as they consider how best to support community development organizations (both faith-based and secular); researchers, as they consider what research and demonstration programs will enhance the knowledge base of improving the performance of faith-based and community CDC’s; students of community development/urban ministry, as they grapple with important issues early in their career; and directors of faith-based and community organizations, who may be seeking insights on how to sustain their organizations and improve their own efforts in communities.

Publication Categories: Publications     Community and Economic Development     Community Partnerships    


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